My Views

Where are all the dead birds?

Have you ever looked up and seen a flock of hundreds if not thousands of birds? With the billions of birds around, why don’t we see yards and roads littered with bird carcasses?

The answer is actually quite simple; predators. Nature continues to go on just as it always has by survival-of-the-fittest.

I’m sure you’ve seen the occasional road-kill and circling or hovering about were crows or vultures just waiting to get at it. Small animals get snatched-up so fast by others that even if you walk through the woods, you probably wouldn’t see anything lying around except for something larger like a deer which would take longer to be consumed.

If other animals weren’t bad enough, there are always beetles, maggots, etc. that can work incredibly fast to consume anything lying around.

Also, birds are not likely to just drop out of the sky. Just like any living creature, if it’s ill (or some can sense when they’re dying) they’ll “go home” or somewhere else to rest. Often, predators can even sense when another animal is ill or weak and attacks even before it dies naturally.

So, I guess we should be kind of grateful that nature cleans-up after itself.

Compact Fluorescent Lights

How dangerous is it if I break a CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light)?

compact fluorescent light

Are Compact Fluorescent Lights dangerous?

Absolutely, positively, (almost and maybe) not a good thing!

Do you need to put on a Hazmat suit to handle these (broken) babies? Not quite.

Here are some tips:

  • Clean it up right away (Read below first!)
  • Open the window (at least 15 min.)
  • Have everyone leave the room (don’t forget about your pets)
  • If you have central heat or A/C, turn it off till you vent out the room
  • Avoid skin contact; I would suggest something like (latex or similar) gloves
  • Safety glasses, coveralls or old clothing and a dust mask are recommended
  • If you cut yourself, contact your doctor on what you should do
  • Clean the debris area thoroughly and DON’T use your vacuum cleaner to clean it up!
  • Use duct tape (or similar) to pick-up the small pieces and then damp or wet wipes
  • Wash your hands when you’re done cleaning it up
  • Don’t keep the broken debris in the house (a Zip lock bag would probably be a good idea)
  • The next couple of times you vacuum the area, turn off your central heat or A/C
  • Broken or not, dispose of these at a proper recycling facility
  • Next time you change a bulb, put down a drop cloth or similar to catch any broken debris. And, don’t touch it if it’s hot. Other than the obvious, these bulbs seems to be extra fragile when warm. I tried to take one out once and it just snapped in half.

So, what should you do? Light your house with candles or lanterns? (Burn down house = NOT good!)

Here’s some technical mumbo jumbo:

  • At ambient temperature (20°C), mercury possesses a saturation concentration of 1.6 ppm which is 160 times the occupational exposure limit. However, the concentration at which your health is immediately threatened is rarely reached.
  • The mercury would not instantly disperse uniformly throughout the room. So while you’d probably get 0 exposure at any distance from it, cleaning it up might impose a higher risk.
  • All the mercury in a CFL is vapor so there is no liquid mercury to hang around once the air has circulated.

As a final note: CFLs save consumers money. In the long run, these bulbs draw far less power (resulting in lower electric bills) and they last longer (so they don’t need to be replaced as often). They also work to save the environment by reducing greenhouse gases. If every American home replaced just one standard incandescent light bulb with a long-lasting CFL, the resultant energy savings would eliminate greenhouse gases equal to the emissions of 800,000 cars, according to the U.S. Energy Star program.

My Views

Gun Control? Really?

The only ones they’re hurting with gun control are the honest good citizens that would like to have some protection in their home or perhaps the occasional sport hunter. Besides, do they really think they’ll stop some “twisted” person from getting a gun if they really want to?

Now, I’m not talking about automatic weapons. They’re unnecessary. But, simple hand guns and rifles in themselves are not a threat to our society.

I heard about a guy who was told “Guns kill people!”. Well, he had a gun and decided to place it (fully loaded) on his front porch of his busy small town neighborhood. Low and behold, people drove by, people walked by, kids played in the neighborhood and more. That gun never got up once and did anything! Now, either people are wrong when they say guns kill people or he has one really lazy stupid gun.

Way more lives (in this country) are lost as a result of people driving automobiles. Now, there’s something that could use more control. I’ll guarantee you that if every driver was made to take a thorough professional driving course before they were allowed to drive and then retested every 5 years, we would lose more than half the drivers on the road today. Is that ever going to happen? No. So, if they’re willing to look the other way when it comes to all the deaths caused by automobiles, why the big push for gun control?

Click the gun for a good video on gun control. gun image
(Note: If you don’t have the video plugin for your browser, you’ll have to click the video file after it downloads.)

My Views

Do you know what’s missing today?

The “Home” phone!

It used to be that you called the “House” when you wanted to talk to someone.

You never knew who might pick-up the phone and you would end up saying “Hi!” to.

I remember as a kid I would call my friend’s “House” and more often than not, someone else picked up the phone. It could be a sister, brother or maybe the Mom or Dad. Heck, it might even be Grandma! Many times the conversation went beyond just “Hi!” and you actually got to know a little about the other people in the “House”.

With today’s cell phones, we’re missing out some valuable communication. If I call someone, what are chances someone else will “pick-up” the phone and answer it?

So, here’s what I suggest. Unless you’re expecting an urgent call, if there are other people in your home, leave your cell phone out on the kitchen table while you’re in the house and tell the other people at home that if they hear it “ringing” (or whatever does), to go ahead and answer it. Sure, there’s a chance that no one will hear or answer it. But, is that so bad? There’s always voicemail.

Let’s stop being so isolated and start talking to more people. Would it be so bad to make another friend?
