Funny Thoughts My Views

Random Thoughts

I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People get out of the way much faster now.

Old age is coming at a really bad time.

I didn’t make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row.

I decided to change calling the bathroom from the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven’t met yet.

Why do I have to press one for English when you’re just going to transfer me to someone I can’t understand anyway?

Of course I talk to myself; sometimes I need expert advice.

Getting Old My Views

All My Life

I’m sure you’ve watched some of these competition shows. There’s one in particular that’s a singing competition where probably most of the contestants are in their teens or early twenties.

Have you ever noticed how many times they say something like: “I’ve been working so hard for this all my life!”

Are you kidding me? ALL THEIR LIFE??!!

Or, they’ll say something like: “If I don’t succeed now, I don’t know what I’ll do!”

Is 16 years old the new retirement age?

I remember one guy who was probably around 25 and currently working in construction. He said something like: “I have to make it now because I just can’t handle working like this anymore.”

OMG! Try working 40-50 years in the same job and then talk to me!

These kids have no idea how good they have it these days just to be on national TV and have a chance like that.

Don’t get me wrong. I like these shows and I think a lot of the talent is great and I enjoy it. But, stop with the whining about how your life will be over if you don’t succeed on the show.

Getting old

Dishwasher Loading My Views

How to (properly) load your dishwasher

dishwasher loading procedure rulesSeriously! I was surprised to see how many different opinions there were about how to load your dishwasher. The most talked about dilemma was how to load the silverwares.

Now, loading a dishwasher should not be rocket science. But, clearly, many people have issues with some things in the dishwasher not coming out as clean as they had hoped.

Assuming your dishwasher isn’t that old (let’s say over 10 years), here are some tips that seem to work for most people:

  • Scrape the heavy food off. No need to pre-rinse and in fact, it’s not recommended (unless it’s going to sit for more than 2 days.)
  • Dishes and bowls can basically face the utensil rack. But, when possible, have them face the center.
  • Large items like casserole dishes should be placed around the outside and slightly face down (to drain better.)
  • Tupperware and so forth are OK. But, it’s better to put them on the top rack. (It doesn’t get as hot as the bottom.)
  • Glasses and cups generally go on the top rack. If it’s actual glass (not plastic, etc.), it can go on the bottom.
  • It’s OK to put wine glasses in the dishwasher. In fact, some manufacturers make wine glass holders to keep them from banging around.
  • Knives go sharp end down! (This was mentioned in like 99% of the articles I read.)

That covers most items people clean. You can probably figure out the rest.

But, wait. What about forks and spoons? Believe it or not, this one actually takes a little work. First, let me say that many people feel they should be face up to get clean. However, articles like that from Yahoo News say “all utensils head in”. Then, I remembered that our dishwasher was recently replaced and I figured why not look in the owner’s manual and see if it says anything about it. Well, it does! The dishwasher is made by Frigidaire and here’s what it says: “When covers are up, mix items in each section of the basket with some pointing up and some down to avoid nesting. Water spray cannot reach nested items.”

So, there you have it. It basically doesn’t matter which way you put the forks and spoons in. Just be sure they’re not sitting on top of each other.

You may have noticed that the Frigidaire quote starts out with: “When covers are up…” In case you’re not sure what they mean by that, it’s those utensil tray covers that you can snap down to cover up a section of the utensil tray. I always thought they were just for putting small items in like corn cob holders, etc. Well, if you really want to place all your forks and spoons upright and get the maximum cleaning, just close those lids and place the utensils in the individual spots. This helps separate them for maximum cleaning. You can also use these for your (small) knives. But, again, make sure they are sharp end down! (NOTE: If you use your hands to remove forks and spoons that are face up, wash your hands first! Actually, you should do that anytime you empty the dishwasher.)

Lastly, here’s a video from Bosch that covers some of these points:

My Views

Clinton Conspiracy

Killer Clinton

My Views

Where are all the dead birds?

Have you ever looked up and seen a flock of hundreds if not thousands of birds? With the billions of birds around, why don’t we see yards and roads littered with bird carcasses?

The answer is actually quite simple; predators. Nature continues to go on just as it always has by survival-of-the-fittest.

I’m sure you’ve seen the occasional road-kill and circling or hovering about were crows or vultures just waiting to get at it. Small animals get snatched-up so fast by others that even if you walk through the woods, you probably wouldn’t see anything lying around except for something larger like a deer which would take longer to be consumed.

If other animals weren’t bad enough, there are always beetles, maggots, etc. that can work incredibly fast to consume anything lying around.

Also, birds are not likely to just drop out of the sky. Just like any living creature, if it’s ill (or some can sense when they’re dying) they’ll “go home” or somewhere else to rest. Often, predators can even sense when another animal is ill or weak and attacks even before it dies naturally.

So, I guess we should be kind of grateful that nature cleans-up after itself.